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How has technology helped us upgrade our day to day lives in healthcare domain?

+2 votes
How has technology helped us upgrade our day to day lives in healthcare domain?
posted May 18, 2016 by Priya

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2 Answers

+1 vote

Health care IT has grown tremendously in the last decade. Technology has been making a pervasive entry into the health care domain be it through medical software on desktops, or specific medical devices along with associated software or health care applications. Wearable computing is another recent area that is making a huge stride into the healthcare space. With several governmental mandates, user privacy issues to take care of, healthcare software development requires a lot of experience and skill – also with ongoing project execution it is important to keep these skills up to date, as newer technologies and policies are entering this space by the day. At QA InfoTech, we have been working with a few clients in the health care domain that has helped us build a niche over time. We have been able to now take a combination of our E2E testing experience along with the health care domain understanding adding significant value to our clients. Our experience in testing for this space ranges across a set of activities, for health care systems deployed in US, India and Middle East. We have been covering functional, database and performance test areas, through manual and automated test approaches for both web and desktop applications. We have been handling a cross section of technologies in testing for these applications and have also testing for them on mobile devices.

We have a very focused training program for our testers who work on health care projects covering, HIPAA guidelines, the domain’s E2E workflows including entities involved and showcasing a close interaction with functional managers to identify critical workflows for non-functional testing types such as performance and security tests.

answer May 18, 2016 by Hasan Raza
0 votes

Technology today has seeped into our day to day lives to a noticeable extent. From the various equipments used in hospitals to devices used to check blood sugar levels at the ease of your home, have made lives easy and helped save time. With the advancements in software technology and its collaboration with healthcare sector, one thing that is prominently evident is, the usage of apps in health care domain. Be it apps for yoga, home remedies, fitness or fertility; technology makes monitoring and grouping of information easy, while proving to be a boon to mankind.

Not to forget are the web and app based organizations like Practo, which have beautifully collated the doctors' data at your finger tips. Times are not far, when you can do complex tests currently done, in few simple steps, within a quick span and at much lesser price!

answer May 19, 2016 by David Perry
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