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The first road tunnel known to have been dug under a navigable river spans which river?

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The first road tunnel known to have been dug under a navigable river spans which river?
posted Mar 9, 2023 by Kapil Kapoor

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Thames, England
The Thames Tunnel was first mooted in 1799, then eventually dug with difficulty and engineering invention, first by a group of Cornish miners including Richard Trevithick then by Marc Brunel (father of also illustrious engineer Isambard Kingdom Brunel), and finally opened in 1843. The Mersey Tunnel and the Severn Tunnel opened in 1886, Elbe Tunnel opened in 1911. The Thames Tunnel was eventually converted in 1869 for use in London's railway system where it still serves.

answer Mar 10, 2023 by Balwinder