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A partial meltdown in a nuclear power plant on 20 March 1979 happened where?

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A partial meltdown in a nuclear power plant on 20 March 1979 happened where?
posted Dec 16, 2022 by Ujjwal Mehra

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Three Mile Island, Pennsylvania, USA
There was a partial core meltdown in one of the reactors of the power plant on Three Mile Island, beginning at 4:00:37 a.m. EST. The immediate problem was sorted out by mid-afternoon, with continuing problem-solving and restoration in and around the reactor over the next three weeks. No significant level of radiation was attributed afterwards to the accident outside of the facility where it happened. The other options were also troubles at nuclear power plants, Cumberland in 1957, Vaud in 1969, Plymouth in 1986 (the same year as the catastrophic meltdown in Chernobyl).

answer Dec 19, 2022 by Varuna Magar