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India’s largest start-up incubator will be set up in which of the following states?

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India’s largest start-up incubator will be set up in which of the following states?
posted Aug 14, 2017 by anonymous

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India’s largest start-up incubator will be set up by the Gururaj Deshpande at Hubballi, about 400km from Bengaluru, Karnataka. Deshpande is the Indian-American entrepreneur, philanthropist and venture capitalist. The purpose of the Hubballi programme is to encourage problem-solvers from the local community and allow them to come with solutions with help from the foundation in terms of management, a financial model and connections to global innovators. The 82,000-sqft facility is expected to open in September 2017.

answer Aug 16, 2017 by Shubham Murthy