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What is the final telly of the Maharashtra and Haryana 2014 assembly elections?

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What is the final telly of the Maharashtra and Haryana 2014 assembly elections?
posted Oct 20, 2014 by Salil Agrawal

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2 Answers

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Following is the final tally of 90-seat Haryana Assembly. The state of Haryana has a total of 90 seats. The results were declared and the counting was on till late evening. The results were in favour of BJP as they emerged as the largest party in the state
The results of the 2014 Haryana Elections :
BJP 47,
INLD 19,
INC 15,
Independents 5,
BSP 1,
and SAD 1

The results of the 2014 Maharashtra Elections
The final tally of 288-seat Maharashtra Assembly
Shiv Sena-63
Maharashtra&Haryana Assembly Election 2014

answer Oct 20, 2014 by Vrije Mani Upadhyay
0 votes

BJP Got 122 Seats In Maharashtra and 47 Seats In Haryana.

answer Oct 20, 2014 by Vrije Mani Upadhyay
I asked final telly not just BJP :), not able to find party wise breakup.