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The sci-fi horror film "Plan 9 from Outer Space" (released 1959) marked the last appearance on film by screen icon......

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The sci-fi horror film "Plan 9 from Outer Space" (released 1959) marked the last appearance on film by screen icon Bela Lugosi. How did some critics describe it by the 1980s?

posted Sep 27, 2022 by Sandeep Bedi

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"Worst Film Ever"
The film was produced, written, directed, and edited by Ed Wood. By the 21st century it was described sometimes as "the epitome of so-bad-it's-good cinema", and gained a cult following. Lugosi's appearance was by way of footage Wood had shot before Lugosi's death for previous films of him as a vampire. Since the footage was not sufficient for the whole "Plan 9" film, Wood substituted another actor, his wife's chiropractor, ignoring such aspects as the new actor's being nearly bald (Lugosi had a full head of hair), being noticeably taller and a different build, having a completely different accent, and that the vampire cape of Lugosi's footage had no place in a sci-fi.

answer Sep 28, 2022 by Varuna Magar