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Where is the village of Branston, after which the famous pickle is named?

+2 votes
Where is the village of Branston, after which the famous pickle is named?
posted Jun 24, 2015 by Rahul Chandel

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1 Answer

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The village of Branston is in Staffordshire, just south of Burton-on-Trent in England.

Branston was originally a small village beside the River Trent and lies to the south of Burton upon Trent. It spread in the 19th century along the main Burton to Lichfield road, which is now the dual carriageway A38. There is much 19th- and 20th-century housing along Clays Lane, north of the village, and along Burton Road to the east. Branston was the original home of Branston Pickle, before production moved to Bury St. Edmunds in 2004.

answer Aug 16, 2015 by Salil Agrawal