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Wind erosion as a driver behind shaping land forms, is called what kind of force?

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Wind erosion as a driver behind shaping land forms, is called what kind of force?
posted Jan 14, 2022 by Pardeep Kohli

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Aeolus, meaning "quick-moving or nimble and similarly to Zephyrus, a Greek god", was related to wind. One understanding of Aiolos (Aeolus) is as divine keeper of the winds and king of the mythical, floating island of Aiolia (Aeolia). He was said to keep the violent Storm-Winds locked safely away inside the cavernous interior of his isle, releasing them only at the command of greatest gods to wreak devastation upon the world. Haboob refers to a violent dust storm or sandstorm.

answer Jan 17, 2022 by Varuna Magar