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Which is the smallest and largest bird in the world?

+1 vote
Which is the smallest and largest bird in the world?
posted May 18, 2017 by Navya

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2 Answers

+1 vote

The Bee hummingbird is the smallest living bird in the world. With a mass of 2–2.6 grams (0.071–0.092 oz) and a length of 5–6 cm (2.0–2.4 in), it is the smallest living bird. Male and female can be distinguished by size, as the female is slightly bigger than the male. They are generally found in the dense forest of Cuba. Female lays two eggs at a time, being the size of a pea.

The Ostrich is the largest living bird in the world. Ostriches usually weigh from 63 to 145 kilograms (139–320 lb), or as much as two adult humans, and has average total length 210 cm. Ostrich can not fly with their heavy wings but they can run at high-speed with their strong long legs. Ostriches lay the biggest/heaviest eggs weighing about 1.4 kg.

The Bee hummingbird is the smallest living bird in the world. The Ostrich is the largest living bird in the world.

answer May 31, 2017 by Brajagopal Das
+1 vote

Bee Hummingbird(Mellisuga helenae) of Cuba is the smallest bird.Males measure 57 mm(2.24 inches)in total length which weighs 1.6 gram.Females are slightly larger.Ostrich is the largest living species of bird in the world.It has a long neck & legs.It can run at maximum speed of about 70 km/hour or 43 mph.

answer Sep 14, 2017 by Dhrubajyoti Das