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According to Hindu mythology, what kind of animal is Kamadhenu ?

+3 votes
According to Hindu mythology, what kind of animal is Kamadhenu ?
posted Jan 5, 2015 by Manikandan J

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1 Answer

+2 votes

Kamadhenu denoted as COW

answer Jan 6, 2015 by Shivaranjini
Kamadhenu is a cow, also known as Surabhi which in Hindu mythology described as the mother of all cows. She is a miraculous "cow of plenty" who provides her owner whatever he desires. Kamdhenu is generally depicted as a white cow with a female head and breasts or as a white cow containing various deities within her body.

As such, Kamadhenu is not worshipped independently as a goddess, and temples are not dedicated to her honor alone; rather, she is honored by the veneration of cows in general throughout the observant Hindu population.