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Who is appointed new RAW chief recently?

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Who is appointed new RAW chief recently?
posted Dec 20, 2014 by Amit Kumar Pandey

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NDA government on 20th Dec 2014 appointed Rajinder Khanna as the new chief of RAW.

Mr Rajinder Khanna is a counter-terror expert who has held several operational roles and is from the 1978 IPS batch of Odisha cadre.

He has held a number of key posts in the agency during his long innings. He was to retire on December 29, but will now get a two-year fixed tenure to head the agency.

There was a long demand from the RAW to make its chief from the internal officers instead of bringing IPS officer from outside, now new RAW chief, Khanna will have to rebuild the agenyc which is devastated by internal feuds, staff shortages and technology deficits.

answer Dec 21, 2014 by Salil Agrawal