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Who created the international competition called the Goodwill Games, that were held between 1986 and 2001?

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Who created the international competition called the Goodwill Games, that were held between 1986 and 2001?
posted Jan 10, 2023 by Mohammad

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Ted Turner
The Goodwill Games were created in reaction to political tit-for-tat boycotting of the Olympic Games in the 1980s. The 1979 Soviet invasion of Afghanistan triggered a boycott of the Games by western countries, followed by a boycott by eastern bloc countries. Turner, the billionaire media proprietor, philanthropist and founder of the Cable News Network (CNN), organised deals which led to annual international games, named Goodwill Games, in place of the Olympics including both west (including the USA) and east (including the USSR) countries. He proclaimed that the aim was ease tensions, "to further peace, understanding and friendship between our nations". He also aimed "to further international television cooperation". The Olympic Games strengthened and after 2001 the Goodwill Games, by now owned by Time Warner, were called to a halt.

answer Jan 11, 2023 by Mridul