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The series of wars known in some places as the French and Indian Wars was fought over the late 17th...............

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The series of wars known in some places as the French and Indian Wars was fought over the late 17th and early 18th centuries in which area or areas?

posted Apr 28, 2022 by Akriti

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European and North American continents
The wars in the European theatre were: War of the Grand Alliance, War of the League of Augsburg, Nine Years' War, War of the Spanish Succession, War of the Austrian Succession and the Seven Years' War. The wars in North America were related to the European dynastic wars and often followed them, in order to take control of the interior territories of America as well as the region around Hudson Bay, Canada. Some conflicts involved Spanish and Dutch forces, but all pitted the Kingdom of Great Britain, its colonies, and their Indian allies on one side against France, its colonies, and its Indian allies on the other. In Quebec, the various wars are generally referred to as the Intercolonial Wars.

answer Apr 30, 2022 by Balwinder
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