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Which is India's first tobacco free village?

+2 votes
Which is India's first tobacco free village?
posted Jan 8, 2015 by Vrije Mani Upadhyay

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2 Answers

+3 votes
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Over 2200 Indians die every day due to tobacco use and 40 per cent of all cancers in the country are caused due to tobacco use, he said, adding 90 per cent oral cancer cases were tobacco related. KOHIMA: Gariphema village in Nagaland has been declared the country's first "tobacco-free village".

answer Jan 8, 2015 by Manikandan J
+1 vote

KOHIMA- Gariphema village in Nagaland has been declared the country's first "tobacco-free village".

answer Jan 14, 2015 by Jaspalsingh Parmar