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What is the name of the small village near Calcutta where the first hollow-nosed rifle bullets were made?

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What is the name of the small village near Calcutta where the first hollow-nosed rifle bullets were made?
posted Sep 28, 2015 by Atif

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2 Answers

+1 vote

During the 19th century the area was home to a British Royal Artillery armoury, where, in the early 1890s, Captain Neville Bertie-Clay developed a bullet with the jacket cut away at the tip to reveal its soft lead core (see hollow-point bullet), known informally as a dum-dum or more correctly as an expanding bullet. The previous name of Dumdum was "Domdoma". Dum Dum village near north Kolkata, West Bengal.

answer Sep 29, 2015 by Abhinav Gangwar
+1 vote

Dum Dum village near north Kolkata, West Bengal.During the 19th century the area was home to a British Royal Artillery armoury, where, in the early 1890s, Captain Neville Bertie-Clay developed a bullet with the jacket cut away at the tip to reveal its soft lead core (see hollow-point bullet), known informally as a dum-dum or more correctly as an expanding bullet. The previous name of Dumdum was "Domdoma".

answer Oct 7, 2015 by anonymous