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An American intelligence analyst with the US military, and eventually an activist and whistleblower, changed her name...

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An American intelligence analyst with the US military, and eventually an activist and whistleblower, changed her name in 2013 from Bradley to what?

posted Jan 6, 2023 by Akriti

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Bradley Manning (at the time identified by authorities as male) was convicted and imprisoned after she disclosed to WikiLeaks nearly 750,000 classified, or unclassified but sensitive, military and diplomatic documents, including footage of US airstrikes in Baghdad. Wikileaks arranged their publication. She had been pursuing possible intervention and/or surgery to recognise her gender identity for years. In 2013, she formally adopted the name Chelsea. In 2017 her sentence was commuted and she was released from prison. The Army continued to pursue her.

answer Jan 9, 2023 by Balwinder
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