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The first National Lottery in England included goods as well as cash; how much was the total value?

+3 votes
The first National Lottery in England included goods as well as cash; how much was the total value?
posted Apr 1, 2020 by Nikhil Pandey

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The advertisement for England’s first ever National Lottery was issued in 1567 by Queen Elizabeth I, to raise money for the enormous costs of building ships and developing ports to expand global trade. Tickets cost ten shillings each – far too much for the ordinary citizen to afford. The first prize, a staggering amount of money at the time, was paid partly in ‘ready money’ and partly in plate, tapestries and ‘good linen cloth’. To encourage as many people as possible to buy tickets, all ticket holders were also promised freedom from arrest for all crimes other than murder, felonies, piracy or treason.

answer Apr 2, 2020 by Varuna Magar