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Does shearing of wool hurt animal, Justify your answer by giving suitable example?

+1 vote
Does shearing of wool hurt animal, Justify your answer by giving suitable example?
posted May 25, 2019 by Sharmila Naveen Yadav Rao

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2 Answers

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Cutting or shaving the wool off of a sheep is called shearing. Shearing doesn't usually hurt a sheep. It's just like getting a hair cut. However, shearing requires skill so that the sheep is shorn efficiently and quickly without causing cuts or injury to the sheep or shearer.

answer May 27, 2019 by Ati Kumar
0 votes

No it doesn't hurt them at all if it did they would try running away they probably enjoy getting all that hot water off of them in the summertime

answer Jul 17, 2019 by Comeback Tuesday