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In August 1830, the audience were so stirred by a performance of Auber's "La Muette de Portici" at their capital's......

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In August 1830, the audience were so stirred by a performance of Auber's "La Muette de Portici" at their capital's opera house, that it led to what successful fight for independence?

AThe Belgian Revolution
BThe French Revolution
CThe American Revolution
DThe Russian Revolution

Correct Option: 1  

The Belgian Revolution
"La Muette de Portici", or The Mute Girl of Portici, is loosely based on the uprising against Spanish rule in Naples in 1647. The revolution it inspired in 1830 led to the secession of the southern provinces of what was then the United Kingdom of the Netherlands to form the independent Kingdom of Belgium.
posted Jun 28, 2018 by Nimish

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