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From which country's language is it most likely that the word "curry" comes?

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From which country's language is it most likely that the word "curry" comes?
posted Apr 17, 2017 by Ati Kumar

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Sri Lanka
Much opinion holds that "curry" was adopted and anglicised from the Tamil word "kari" signifying something stir-fried or, perhaps, a spicy stew or gravy. Other authorities hold that it may come from an archaic English word of French origin, "cury"; others that it is maybe a mispronunciation and misuse of "korai" which is a specific spiced Indian dish.

What is accepted is that it was originally used by the British Raj in India to describe what quickly became a staple of British favourites (the UK celebrates National Curry Week), that the Indian cuisine does not have any dish which it labels a curry, and that "curry" is not an Indian word.

answer Apr 17, 2017 by Ananya Saha