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What is the difference between Gulf and Bay?

+2 votes
What is the difference between Gulf and Bay?
posted Mar 3, 2017 by Anurag Kashyap

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1 Answer

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One difference between a gulf and a bay is quite difficult to distinguish as they both have the same characteristics. In technical terms, both a gulf and a bay are the same things, and the only difference that is pointed out is in the size. A gulf is much larger than a bay.

A gulf is said to be a large body of water that is surrounded by land and having only a narrow entrance along a strait. A bay is also a large body of water that is surrounded by land but not as enclosed as a gulf. Moreover, the bay has a wider opening than the gulf.

A gulf is a body of water in which the water has eroded very deeply into the adjoining land. On the contrary, a bay has an inward land curve.

Most of the bays are formed because of the erosion of soft rock and clay by the waves. When looking at a single gulf, it is generally fashioned along linear shores. If the shoreline is irregular and consists of complex geologic structures, a group of gulfs are formed.

answer Mar 3, 2017 by Anita Yadav